Thanks, scratchme, Scully, AllTimeJeff, and sparrowndown:
You all made great comments and helped answer my questions. Yes, a round of applause!
"Why were you asking CoCo are you just curious or is it work related?" -- sparrowdown
You're correct, sparrow, it is draining. I ask because it is life-related. Like you, I can politely mention my "annoyance" to one friend but perhaps not to another. One dear, elderly friend telephones and hits the bricks running with the wonders of her life. Never an introductory "Hello, how are you?" I finally mentioned it to her a few calls back when there was a momentary break in her TMI (too much info). She was unaware and apologized; she really is a very sensitive and caring person. She thanked me.
In some other cases, a good and exuberant friend will take a comment I make and would like feedback on and weave it into an elaborate tapestry of his life's accomplishments, tragedies, sorrows, etc. Not necessarily "I'm better than you or have it worse than you." I get how a comment I make might trigger something in my friend's (or just a casual acquaintance's [gee, maybe even a stranger's]) sphere of reference. It's what we all do. I apologize a lot because I'm a chatty Mediterranean. Genetics. Can't help it!
So, it's no big deal. As others stated, you make allowances, or you don't.